Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you make this site, and how is it hosted?

I was bored one day, and I wanted my own space on the massive superhighway of the internet, so why not :P.

The site launched on May 10, 2021 (technically May 9, but it was just a playground for testing at that point. The actual site launched on May 10). My boyfriend (nitrate92) was the original hoster, who allowed me to host it on his now non-existent secondary PC at the time. About a month later on June 26, I switched to GitHub pages.

A few months after that, I started self-hosting the site, which I did until April 20, 2023, and then dkay hosted it until June 25, 2023, and since then it runs on a VPS.

Why does this site look all outdated? Why not use modern design?

I really, REALLY hate modern web deisgn.

Many modern sites look thrown together in 30 seconds, with no personality, and resource thrashing amped up to 11.

I wanted this site to be reminiscent of the old internet; where you could truly express yourself online and before everything was commercialized and packaged up. When you could actually say, do, and find anything you want. Sites felt truly personal in both design and content, and I think that era of the internet was the best, and it should come back (which thankfully, thanks to services like Neocities, it is!)

Why does this site work like crap on mobile?

This site was never designed for mobile, nor do I likely ever intend for it to be.

What's your favorite OS?

Arch Linux (especially), NixOS, Void, Solus, and Debian.

In terms of Windows, either 2000 (especially), NT 4, or 7/Vista.

Now what's your least favorite OS?

Windows 11, ME, 1.01, and 2.03 in terms of Windows, Manjaro and Ubuntu (on desktop, it's okay on servers) in terms of Linux.

What web browser do you recommend?

LibreWolf. While it's default settings are a bit asinine, it's regardless an awesome browser. It's pretty much Firefox without all the garbage it's accrued over the last few years, plus a lot of nice stuff in regards of security and privacy.

What's your main machine?

GIGABYTE AORUS 5 KE4 laptop. i7-12700H, 64GB RAM, RTX 3060M, 2 SSDs (2TB + 1TB), Arch Linux + Windows 10. More "in-depth" details can be found here.